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Safety Training Courses
This course offers an awareness of the issues involved with fall protection. A focus on the best practices in fall protection and the need to protect workers at height highlights this informative training course. Participants are introduced to the regulations and standards governing fall protection as well as the components of a fall protection system including body support, anchorages, connectors and rescue.
Upon successful completion of this course the student will receive a certificate recognizing they have completed the training required to meet OSHA and ANSI requirements as an Authorized Person.
- Topics Discussed
OSHA Regulations relating to fall protection
- Local governing regulations relating to fall protection
- Traditional fall protection (e.g. handrails, guardrails, etc.)
- Fall restraint systems
- Fall arrest systems (including anchors, body support, connecting components and the importance of a rescue plan)
- Duration:
5 days (up to 4 hours)
Recommended Attendance:
This course is designed for individuals working at height.
The Competent Person training enables the attendee to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation, and monitoring of a managed fall protection program. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate recognizing you have completed the training required to meet OSHA and ANSI requirements as a Competent Person and Competent Inspector.
This course includes in-class lectures including slides and video and hands-on scenarios applying theory discussed to practical workplace situations. This Competent Person training is a pass/fail program incorporating both written and practical examinations and is based on the requirements of the OSHA regulations, ANSI Z359.2 standard as well as local requirements that will be discussed and reinforced. Attendees will learn practical solutions to difficult fall protection problems using appropriate tools and equipment.
Topics Discussed
- Regulations relating to all fall protection topics
- Fall hazard elimination and controls methods
- Fall hazard surveys and fall protection procedures
- Responsibilities of Competent Persons
- Detailed inspection of equipment components and systems
- Fall protection system assessments and determining when a system is unsafe
- Fall protection rescue procedures
- Selection and use of non-certified anchorages
- Fall hazard surveys
- Duration:
Duration is two days in all location except Red Wing. All Red Wing sessions are 2.5 days to include plant and test lab tours for the class.
Recommended Attendance:
Managers, immediate supervisors of individuals working at height, safety professionals or other key personnel that are responsible for the supervision, implementation, and monitoring of a managed fall protection program.
The Competent Person training enables the attendee to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation, and monitoring of a fall protection program.
This course includes in-class lectures and hands-on scenarios applying theory discussed to practical workplace situations. This Competent Person training is a pass/fail program incorporating written and practical examinations and is based on the requirements of the OSHA regulations, ANSI Z359.2 standard as well as local requirements that will be discussed and reinforced. Attendees will learn practical solutions to difficult fall protection challenges using appropriate tools and equipment. Upon completion of this course attendees will receive a certificate recognizing they have completed this course and all associated exercises and examinations.
- Topics Discussed
- Fall hazard surveys and fall protection procedures
- Responsibilities of Competent Persons
- Detailed inspection of equipment components and systems
- Fall protection system assessments and determining when a system is unsafe
- Fall protection rescue procedures
- Fall protection system assessments and determining when a system is unsafe
- Fall protection rescue procedures
- Selection and use of non-certified anchorages
- EM385 Module for standard specific review and practical hands-on
- Duration:
Duration is three days in all locations
Recommended Attendance:
Managers, immediate supervisors of individuals working at height, safety professionals or other key personnel that are responsible for the supervision, implementation, and monitoring of a managed fall protection program.
This refresher training reviews the skill sets of a Competent Person and informs students of updated regulations as well as new fall protection product solutions.
Students will expand their knowledge and ability to identify hazardous conditions, develop programs and make equipment selections to properly deal with fall hazards. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will receive a certificate recognizing that they have met OSHA and ANSI requirements as a Competent Person.
- Topics Discussed
- Fall protection regulations
- Fall hazard elimination and controls
- Fall hazard surveys and fall protection procedures
- Responsibilities of competent persons
- Detailed inspection of equipment components and systems
- Fall protection system assessments and determining when a system is unsafe
- Duration:
1 day, all locations.
Recommended Attendance:
Competent Person refresher training shall be conducted at least every two years to stay current with the fall protection and rescue educational industry requirements, when new fall protection systems are used or installed, or new fall hazards are encountered.
Fall Protection Competent Equipment Inspector
This is a comprehensive inspection course which after completion will allow those responsible for the inspection of fall protection equipment to make educated decisions on whether the equipment can remain in service or should be removed from service.
The training will also include standards and regulations, incorporating what they require and how they relate to the inspection process. Upon completion the student will receive a certificate recognizing that they have met the requirements of the OSHA and ANSI standards.
- Topics Discussed
- Standards – ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- Regulations – OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
- Liability
- Inspection process for a range of fall protection equipment
- Full body harnesses
- Shock absorbing and positioning lanyards
- Self retracting lifelines
- Anchorage connectors
- Key inspection components
- Webbing, hardware, stitching, labels, buckles, d-rings
- Documentation methods / recording and logging of inspections
- Technical bulletins
- Duration:
5 days (up to 4 hours)
Recommended Attendance:
Employees who will be assigned a task to work at heights, issued fall protection equipment and required to inspect their equipment.
Confined Space Entrant and Attendant
Confined spaces can be an extremely dangerous work environment and the utmost of care and caution needs to be taken before anyone considers entering or working near a confined space. Identifying, understanding, and controlling the hazards provides workers with the ability to safely perform their duties within, or when monitoring these environments.
This one-day course will address the basic principles and concepts of confined space safety and the roles of the attendant and entrant in the process. The course includes case studies, workbook exercises, and access equipment practical exercise to understand safe vertical entry.
- Course Overview
- Confined space identification
- Hazard categories
- Respecting confined spaces
- Confined space oversight
- Roles and responsibilities
– Supporting roles
– Attendant
– Entrant - Hazard controls
- Testing and normalizing atmospheres
- Emergency response
- Permitting
- Pre, entry, and post-entry protocols
- Duration:
1 day (up to 8 hours)
Recommended Attendance:
This course is suited for those who will either enter or serve as an attendant for those entering basic confined spaces at the worksite.
Confined spaces can be an extremely dangerous work environment and the utmost of care and caution needs to be taken before anyone considers entering or working near a confined space. Identifying, understanding, and controlling the hazards provides workers with the ability to safely perform their duties within, or when monitoring these environments.
This two-day course discusses various aspects of an on-site confined space program. Participants will learn the principles required to safely identify, assess, monitor, and/or enter the confined spaces they may encounter on the job site. The content will also cover the various roles and responsibilities required for a confined space program. This course includes case studies and a series of interactive workshops designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gain throughout the session.
- Course Overview
- Roles and responsibilities
- Supporting roles
- Attendant
- Entrant
- Hazard controls
- Testing and normalizing atmospheres
- Emergency response
- Permitting
- Pre, entry, and post-entry protocols
- Workshops
- Vertical entry systems
- Respiratory systems
- Atmospheric testing
- Non-entry rescue
- Entry scenarios
- Duration:
2 days (up to 16 hours)
- Roles and responsibilities
Recommended Attendance:
Participants for this course are all those who may be involved with a confined space program at the worksite including the employer, management team, entry supervisor, attendant, entrants, and rescuers.

We Provide On-Site Safety Training
Train your team in their own work environment with our on-site training. We will send an experienced trainer and the necessary safety equipment to provide safety training for your team. This avoids the disruption of sending your workforce offsite. Choose from our complete safety training portfolio or work with 3M Safety Training to modify a course to meet your specific training requirements.

Expert & Professionals Advisors
We bring in knowledgeable and experienced trainers to conduct customized safety training sessions on the premises of a company or organization.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
On-site safety training with satisfaction guarantee ensures high-quality training tailored to meet clients’ needs, with the provider committed to meeting or exceeding their expectations.

Specialized Courses
These courses provide targeted instruction on safety protocols, procedures, and equipment, helping to ensure that workers are fully prepared to handle any safety hazards they may encounter on the job.